Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, the electronic thingie that controls my car's auto-unlock/lock mechanism needs a new relay thingie, which will take two or three day thingies to come in, but in the meantime the same mechanism now suddenly works both ways from within the car, so I'm a partially happy camper. But dang, the waiting room at the New Rochelle Hyundai service department had on Fox's morning infotainment show, so I've now got that kind of low-level headache you can only acquire by listening (despite my best efforts to tune it out in favor of magazine reading) to fluffy heads drone on about nothing for an hour and a half peppered by commercials for Mike Bloomberg that feature - I kid you not - "ordinary" New Yorkers talking about how they don't agree with his policies but they're going to vote for him anyway because at least he's honest and straightforward about pursuing those policies, or something like that. And part of me is thinking "they got nothing, have they?" even as the other part knows there will be voters (particularly among Fox viewers) who will fall for it. But enough about my morning so far - everybody Squip! Go on, you'll feel better. Via Scoobie Davis.