Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Online Comics

Okay, here's the thing about online-only comics. I'm willin' ta read 'em, I'm wantin' ta read 'em, but I'm not waitin' ta read 'em, because I forget. Unless the comics (a) are free and (b) have an RSS feed to which I can subscribe via Bloglines and thus be reminded/alerted when new pages come out, I probably won't remember to check in, and I'll bet I'm not the only one. My leisure time on the computer is about 70% Bloglines and blog-posting, 25% Diablo II and 5% Google searches and other miscellany. I just don't have the head for much else. So please, Carla and Kaja and the rest of y'all, do consider an RSS feed, or at least a reminder on your RSS-ready blogs when new pages come out...