Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Silly Site o' the Day

Poetry in motion! That's what you'll get with this poem generator, which creates a mishmash of words from any website you plug into it. Here's what it got from mine:

on a lot, of , conservative
fuckheads who held his post made me back some very
psyched because I am Permalink
postCount ; postCountTB ; Behind Closed Doors Finally, someone
without the story [
who want to be attending a
arguing against the subway Res. Old
young Datsa had bad as usual. NTodd Pritsky, Peter Rick
Blaine Rivka Scott Baron
luck! too...much more
than 10 PM Permalink
postCount ; postCountTB ; Silly Site
the dying of America. And
the music industry.

See, this is why I don't like "poetry." Even actual poems nowadays feel this randomly generated. "Because I am Permalink" indeed! This is my motto:

Poems must have rhyme and meter
Gal's got structure, you can't beat her
Sans the meter, sans the rhyme
A poem's just a waste of time.

Of course, now I feel like I should be holding a large fake flower in my hand and bowing.