Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Talking with Tild~

Tild~ Dallelie and her family are visiting in NYC this week, and although we missed getting together by a few hours (if we'd gotten in touch yesterday I'd have probably seen her late this afternoon or this evening, considering today was a bonus vacation day in exchange for working on Sunday) we did have a lovely hour-long chat, during which we discussed how scarily alike we are (this happens to us gal bloggers more than any of us care to admit), job-hunting, tomorrow's Firesign chat at which she promises to make an appearance whilst I'm still there, Estrogen Month and her fabulous "She-Blogger" posters (did you know Tild~ has a CaféPress She-Blogger site? I think we should all buy mugs and bring them to the Sheroes shindig later this month), sf fandom in the '80s, and of course all of you. Your ears were all burning, weren't they? I also caught her up a bit on the talk 'round the blogosphere, as she's been suffering from a bit of online withdrawal, and promised we'll have a get-together like we had for NTodd next time she visits. She's back home in Meen-eh-SOH-taa tomorrow evening (yes, she has that cute MN accent and all), so I 'spect y'all will be hearing from her shortly after that.