Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 27, 2004

Shelving, Round Three or So

You may recall what our library (aka the third bedroom) looked like with all the boxes still piled up in front of the bookshelves (last picture here). And then what the two side-by-side cases looked like after the Marvel comics were finally sorted and shelved (second picture here). Well, I'm happy to report that the bulk of the shelving is now done. Here are the DC shelves:

The magazine boxes, as mentioned previously, ring the top of all the bookcases except the two stand-alones (not pictured, one between the window and the closet door and the other between the closet door and the door to the hallway). The three cases on the left are all DC and its various imprints, going down four out of the six shelves on the third bookcase. It looks nicely symmetrical from head-on, as the two bottom shelves are more or less empty (that's where I'll be putting unfiled comics as I read them). That's because we shifted the Marvel stuff over from the two side-by-side cases to the corner ones, thusly:

Yes, this room is where we keep the litter box. :) The end case on the right is now filled with copies of Robin's work over the past 15 years or so:

The two middle shelves appear kind of "fuzzy" because those are all the same title, the Supergirl comps (DC comps creators about two dozen copies of each issue) from Robin's 4+ years on that title, and that's the visual effect they cause. Robin's stuff actually starts the second shelf down, and the right two stacks on the bottom shelf (beside the litter) have, respectively, the published work we've done together (that's Broad Appeal on top) and the 9-11 charity comics I've collected.

So that just leaves us with 19 longboxes of non-Big Two comics (the Big Two U.S. companies, for the uninitiated, being Marvel and DC), which are currently sandwiched in the living room between the easy chairs and the back bookcases, to sort and shelve onto the two stand-alone cases in the library. I'm actually looking forward to moving them this coming weekend into the now-empty space in the middle of the living room, as all the box-moving and shelving I did this past weekend has given my muscles a nice workout. Then Rob stores the flattened longboxes and lids up in the loft and we're done with comics filing at last! Next up, perhaps new blinds for all our windows, or a straightening up of the computer room or the studio, or... what? Rest? What's that?