Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Spooky Silly Site o' the Day

I feel like I got nothing done Saturday. Okay, some house-straightening and banking and a little shopping and dry cleaning, and Robin shelved the first of the 16 Marvel boxes, and we activated our new cell phones and played around with them awhile and I made Sloppy Joes for dinner which you should always always eat on toast I've discovered... but I can't shake this lethargy. I think it's because it's almost 60 degrees at midnight on October 31, and that feels kind of wrong. Add to that Daylight Savings Time is about to kick in, which means I lose yet an hour today and it's not even my fault. (Update: Upon waking up again, I realized my error and thank y'all for your correction; now you see how tired I was that I didn't even realize I was gaining an hour!) But none of this is scary. Anticipating Tuesday, now that's scary. And so, via Hanan Levin, it's come to Kafka-Orwell 2004. Great, just what I need now, paranoia and ennui...