Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Easy day at work, particularly as I've been temporarily relegated to a corner spot on a little-used floor and had precious little to do after cleaning out my in-box. Took a few online courses, helped out other EAs via MS Teams chats, reacquainted myself with partners who've been out on vacation, that sort of thing. But my goodness the commute home was tough! I hurried in the hottest-day-of-the-year temps to make my bus, caught one Robin swore (from looking at the web app) would not detour through Inwood, but alas its trajectory changed and it got very crowded and I had seat company and I'm not feeling at all well, even after showering. Glad I have a vacation day tomorrow. Wish the All Star Game were more interesting, but it's better than nothing. How many days until the Olympics? Maybe I should just watch an opera, or a millennial explaining same:

Via Laughing Squid.