Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Even though Friday the 13th done fell on a Saturday this month, it wasn't unlucky for me at all. The car is still working fine, we didn't need the windshield wiper fluid as it got a good cleaning from the rain, which stopped as we pulled into the supermarket parking lot, we were home too late to see the results of the Tour de France Stage 14 but the usual suspects came in as expected, both NY baseball teams won, we watched a terrific documentary on the Indigo Girls, and I did my usual Saturday "chores" leaving us both ready to give blood tomorrow morning. Robin's been doing some coloring so I'm sure he knows all about this, and it was pretty cool sitting in the home office today with him there as well (I was there to lay out my pills for the next week and make sure my refill orders were in). The start of a nice weekend! Off to watch the Copa America third place match...