Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 03, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

I took the day off to visit Mom and take her to a very lovely doctor in an area where, it turns out, we'd been before, only not in that part of the complex. For a smallish state, New Jersey certainly is spread out a lot! Maybe I'm just too used to a concentrated city after all these decades living in NYC. Anyway, it was a lovely day for a drive, and the car behaved just fine, so I think the power steering assembly is finally okay and I can now make an appointment for new tires (as well as having a Hyundai dealer do a diagnostic so I can make sure nothing's amiss). To celebrate we stopped at our local sushi place on the way back, as it's got a small parking lot and is only a few blocks away, and either we over-ordered or the food just doesn't stand up any more to places like Kura, so we're now exhausted and a bit bloated, but this too shall pass. Speaking of cars, I don't recall ever seeing this at the time, but I find it wacky and cool now:

Via Laughing Squid.