Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, May 31, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The good news: I got a clean bill of health from my diabetes doctor. Except for my higher A1C, higher than normal triglycerides (I suspect that's a portion control thing), and a bit of dehydration possibly caused by two of the meds I take, I'm in pretty good shape. Weight stable, BP terrific, LDL really good, all those other numbers where they should be. The bad news: after logging off for the work week I had to ride a local bus from terminus to terminus to receive that info. Masked all the way down and back, but my goodness, so loud and crowded! There are times I really get energized from living in The City, and there are times when it leaves me completely drained. I think I need some Friday Cat Blogging:

I was about the age of that girl in the still photo when this came out. Via BoingBoing.