Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

The car is fixed and will be returned tomorrow. The mechanics assert they've figured out the issue, but I'm still going to pay a call on a local Hyundai dealership and have them do a diagnostic to make sure it's all copacetic. I had so little work today I decided to leave early and take a couple PTO hours, since I have tons to spare, and my bus driver was someone I hadn't seen since the pandemic so it was nice catching up with him. I'm trying to make a habit out of early departures on slow days, so doubtless I'll see him again. I logged back on when I got home so I was able to handle things that had come in during my commute, but I like how this worked so it's definitely a tactic for the future. I feel like celebrating with a cheese vending machine!