Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, November 05, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Remember, remember
This Fifth of November
That MAGAts still work on their plot
I see no reason
Why seditious treason
Should ever be forgot.

So yeah, there's that. With everything going on in the world now I've become just a little more ostrich-like, certainly as regards any public pronouncements. So I'm making plans for November that pretty much involve work stuff, and today I sorted out the overnight bag I'll be taking on the plane to Florida in 10 short days. Naturally I couldn't take advantage of an afternoon nap during today's 25-hour day due to screaming children playing in their back yards, which of course they're allowed to do, only I miss the trees that used to muffle those sounds until the children's parents decided they needed more room for inflatable bouncy castles. At this hour it's another house with a basketball court and another set of shouty kids, so going into Manhattan or a hotel/educational complex in Florida is starting to look pretty good. I see the Simpsons is on now, so let's take a look at some Simpsons album covers.