Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Today was my Manhattan day, so after having a bit more of yesterday's celebratory and over-ordered sushi dinner I hopped on the air-conditioned bus to the air-conditioned office for my weekly greeting with some lovely air-conditioned colleagues and my usual poke bowl, after which I returned to my third fish meal of the day finishing up the aforementioned sushi. Together with last night, and tomorrow's plan to finish the lox in the morning and Robin's tasty salmon for lunch, that will make like six fish meals in a row. This is not a complaint! And say, did you know that baseball wild card games are like a series now instead of one winner-take-all? I'm not sure whether that's a complaint or not. But I did think I wouldn't hear Michael Kaye's voice again in 2023, so that was a bit of a surprise. Fortunately I can go to sleep dreaming of Irish farmers...