Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

Hoorah, the sun is finally out! Alas, it didn't warm up enough to warrant opening the windows, and since our heat isn't on yet we make do with hot food, sweaters, and space heaters as necessary. I didn't think about that too much during the day, as I finally caught up on most things and had a terrific meeting with my supervisor, who assured me I'll be receiving a nice raise and hefty bonus in the new fiscal year. That and reading the nice things my partner have to say about me really made my day, and even energized me enough to update our finances and plan a few Amazon purchases. Now if only I could get more silly sites; at this point it's down to recommending TikTok stuff (a place I don't even frequent) like Denise, heaven's receptionist (via BoingBoing)...