Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Silly Site o' the Day

Wow, that's better. The hot water went out for a number of hours today but has now been repaired. First world problems, we do take for granted when we have adequate heat or hot water, so I use these opportunities to remind myself how lucky I am. My first post-raise pay stub came out today as well, so I celebrated by finally purchasing new living room recliners and asking our downstairs neighbor if her very muscular adult son can help schlep the old ones out over the weekend. Aside from our couch (which is likely staying put forever) they're the heaviest, most awkward pieces of furniture we own, and we'll be glad to be rid of them as they're kind of hanging on by their last springs. Meanwhile, Twitter continues to implode so here's an oldie compilation of "Yikes, unfollowing him now" tweets.