Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, April 09, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

Work was a bit of bear today, everyone's tensions seemed strained for some reason. I kept as clear of it all as I could, kept my head down, and worked right up until closing time on latecoming timesheets for the week. I was so mentally drained by it all that I begged Robin for some semblance of normalcy, and for the first time in at least a year we went food shopping during rush hour at our local gourmet place. It was glorious! Crowded, sure, but everyone wore masks and didn't stop to chit-chat, the shelves were all stocked with things that never seem to be out as early as Old Folks' Hour, and we are replete with the stuff that we usually buy there and much, much more. Tomorrow we do the same at around high noon at the supermarket in Yonkers. Until then, let's all sing We All Live In A Wooden Submarine:

Via Laughing Squid.