Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Silly Site o' the Day

Work went well, finishing a couple projects into which I'd put several hours, and standing in good enough stead to figure out how I'm going to complete my interim self-assessment for the last six months. Hard to wrap my brain around when time is so malleable as is. I try to stick to some sort of schedule - I know Alton Brown and Elizabeth Ingram's Quarantine Quitchen is on YouTube every Tuesday, so that's sort of a highlight of my week, but my DVR has started getting away from me. And now spring training has begun so that'll only get worse. And this sudden cold and windy weather isn't helping, I keep wondering if February is making a short comeback. One good thing about not going out is that I won't be able to see the newest in hideous shoes...