Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, today was a day and a half, at least! We left around 6 AM, me taking all 28 steps one at a time (not bending the right knee) and able to get into the car to drive just fine, and our grocery shopping went well with a few major twinges here and there despite the ibuprofen. The real fun came during the drive back. Suddenly there was a traffic jam on the highway (why, in a pandemic?!) and, as we sat in stop-and-go traffic, we noticed smoke coming from the car's hood. I glanced down and the temperature was at maximum High. So instead of chancing it and dropping off our groceries at home, we hightailed it to our local auto shop. Long story short, Robin made two trips on the local bus to carry home the perishables (I made the second trip with him), it was 9:45 AM before I was able to log onto work, the car needed a new radiator, thermostat, and a couple hoses (could have been so much worse but still cost me more than Donald Trump paid on his 2017 taxes), and hey, at least I got my oil changed and the vehicle gassed up before the heavens opened! Needless to say it was not the most inspiring day, although it ended well, and I'm not going out at all tomorrow. Now to settle in and watch the Yankees game instead of the clown show on most of the other channels.