Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

Still under the weather, but doing much better than Robin. I suspect we both have the flu, but as I got a shot and he didn't my version is much milder. I felt well enough to shop locally for a few sundries this morning and that was about it. It was a pretty mild morning as well, so I wish we both felt better, which is what I've been saying all week. It would have been nice to take advantage of the time off to do something (like *snif* the Botanical Garden train show *snif*) but at least I didn't have to use up any PTO (Paid Time Off) hours to take off work! And I've been through about as much DVR'ed stuff as I want to, and have done a lot of reading, so it hasn't been all bad. I've been going through my 2019 calendars (four of them!) to figure out which ones to take back to work on Wednesday, but maybe there's room for one more as I like the look of these sarky posters.