Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

The shopping is done! Whole Foods didn't have any blood oranges but I got satsumas and we achieved Devon Cream for the Christmas pudding. Then our regular shop at the grocery store madhouse, which went surprisingly well although that wind was pretty biting to and from the car (which was parked pretty far from the entrance). I still hadn't scored my Twinings Chai Vanilla tea which had suddenly run out this morning, so we tried to get to the local downtown shopping district which was horrid with no parking whatsoever, then Rob suggested we try the somewhat-poor supermarket three blocks away in the same strip mall as the liquor store we wanted to visit anyway (which I had planned to save for another day), and lo and behold they had my tea! So a pretty whirlwind trip but a very successful one, and just as well because I apparently moved the wrong way this afternoon and wrenched my left knee It's not constant pain, just when I pick up my leg in a certain way most of the time. Hoping it fixes itself by Monday; I'm absolutely going nowhere tomorrow. Lots of comics and graphic novels to get through, lots of shows on the DVR, I'm pretty well set for the week. And just for Robin, here's a bad lip reading of the recent Apple product launch:

Via Laughing Squid.