Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Silly Site o' the Day

Football's back! I hate that my app didn't alert me, it's not like I live in England where they're probably surrounded by "footie season is almost upon us!" media. In any case, despite my continued exhaustion and sleeping until 8:30, and despite the nasty morning thunderstorm and all kinds of alerts every ten minutes on my phone (flash flooding! possible tornados! insanity driven by phone alerts!), I got a lot done around the house, even making a dent in the remaining ironing (more now than there was Thursday thanks to the laundry being done yesterday). That done, I treated Robin to lunch at the extremely crowded mall, where we even found me some belts to hold up some of my new jeans that wound up fitting a bit too loosely. Guess nobody wanted to go outside anywhere with all this rain about, even though I doubt any of them were using MoviePass:

Via BoingBoing. Anyway, after lunch we did our grocery shopping, somehow managing to dance between the raindrops again, and made it home in time to see the Yankees win before... well, I'm just about knackered out again. See you tomorrow...