Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Silly Site o' the Day

I was able to leave work a bit early today to attend the lovely memorial for Dick Giordano and catch up with a lot of industry friends, including my former ComicMix colleagues. (Bob Greenberger covers this more fully in his blog.) From what all the speakers (which included luminaries from Mike Carlin and Jenette Kahn and Paul Levitz to Neal Adams and Joe Rubinstein and Walt Simonson and a screamingly funny anecdote from Terry Austin) were saying, Giordano was a hell of a nice guy, top-notch mentor and terrific editor. Maybe he could have made something good out of this mashup parody, which I probably didn't find nearly as amusing as I should have because (a) I haven't seen many of the films referenced and (b) they all kind of look and sound that way to me:

Via Heidi MacDonald.