Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, December 22, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Brr! It's one of the handful of days that I dread living where we live, as the U-shaped driveway between our little row of houses and the actual street/sidewalk is completely iced over, and will probably stay that way for the next couple of days. After layering this morning, I put the spiky rubber things on the soles of my boots, and Robin walked me out through the ice and into the gradual incline of the road, which was also icy. The sidewalk in front of Mount St. Vincent (or as some now refer to it "that place where they filmed Doubt") leading to the express bus wasn't too bad, but gosh, it's bitterly cold out there. By the time the bus got into midtown Manhattan the streets were pretty much ice- and snow-free, not even much slush. The snow removal folks in that borough should really be proud of themselves. Anyway, it's Chanukah now, and I'm at work with all the site-blockage that entails, so I can't see whether the Hanukkah House game works. Could you try it for me and see? Happy Solstice, and happy Chanukah!