Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Ah, a new day in America, finally! I was beginning to think I'd never see another pleasant, smart, sensible centrist elected in my lifetime. We haven't had one of those since Carter (as much as I may admire Clinton I always considered his presidency somewhat right-leaning). And we haven't seen kids this young in the White House since I was a young kid. I like to imagine Malia and Sasha's first reaction to knowing their dad won might have been something like jumping up and down and sing-songing "We're going to the White House, we're going to the White House..." (and is it just me or has Malia grown at least 2 inches in the past few months?). Love the cute touch in Obama's speech about getting them a puppy. Anyway, glad that's all finally over and we can concentrate on more important things like which DVD you fell asleep watching last night (via David McCandless). My one definite (and minor) regret from last night is that I didn't get enough sleep...