Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, July 04, 2008

On the Other Shoe Not Dropping

The last few years have taught me to be extremely wary when things are going well, because you never know what's just around the corner. But neither are we privy to this knowledge when things are going badly, so it would seem past time for a new philosophy, to declare my independence (if you will) from that sort of mindset. From now on I'm going to endeavor to just be happy at every good turn that comes along in one's life, and hopeful that the happiness will continue as long as possible. Of course, having been raised Jewish I'm not sure this is genetically possible, but setting goals is a good thing.

So, here we go: Want. Oh, wait. Employed now. Have!

It's mostly for Robin, but he'll be networking it so I should be able to use it from my new PC as well. It was a steal at the price we paid for it, it replaces the little low-end fax machine we had which was rarely hooked up anyway (we're bringing it down to Mom's in case she ever needs to use one) as well as, we're hoping, Robin's old flatbed 11x17 scanner, which has more than served its purpose over the years. Plus the print quality on this Brother baby (baby brother?) is outstanding; the feeder won't take thicker Bristol board but it prints bluelines just fine on the other paper Robin tried. And since the artwork on Rob's future assignment will be submitted via email, the exact thickness of the original boards doesn't matter since he'll be keeping them.

Ah yes, Robin's new assignment. Not announced officially yet by any company solicitations or press releases, but confirmed by the writer in an interview at Wizard World Chicago, which has since been posted at Newsarama. Here's the interview; the mention of Robin comes in at about two minutes, 30 seconds. I can't tell you how excited Robin is about this project. It's the kind of thing he's wanted to do ever since he started his career -- which, come to think of it, is pretty much how I view my current job as well.

So we're both in a very happy place at present. Tired, but happy.

Now that the cat's quieted down, I'm going back to bed. But first: Want. Happy July 4 holiday weekend, my fellow Americans.