Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Belated Friday Cat Blogging (™ Kevin Drum)

Happy Caturday! I got through filing the indie comics a lot more quickly than I'd anticipated, and Robin took down all those boxes this morning, giving me room to file away all the complementary copies of the DC work he's done in the last couple years. Here are the empty boxes (behind Datsa) in which those comps had been sitting for lo these many months:

And here they are (behind Amy) all flattened out, ready to take downstairs to the recycle bins:

And here's what the library/catbox room/exercise room now looks like from the entranceway:

Only one of the smaller boxes remain; everything else is in long boxes, and it's now an unobstructed beeline from the doorway to the exercise bike. It's a lot easier to get around in that room now, and so much more pleasant to spend additional time on the bike!