Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Thanks so much, Bully (and apparently Randi as well), the work of Figli-Migli is amazing! I'm passing along the two Clerkenwell videos you saw on YouTube. The first one, Bathtime in Clerkenwell, "is based on Stephen Coates' composition under the same title. This film is about The Great Revolution of the British Cuckoos, who bravely took over London, forcing all the people to move inside the cuckoo clocks."

The sequel is called Last Time in Clerkenwell and "shows what happened to the Royal Legion of birds from Bathtime in Clerkenwell after they took over London and came to power. The Bird Empire expands beyond the Earth boundaries and falls under unexpected circumstances."

Also available on the site: Return I Will to Old Brazil; Terminally Ambivalent Over You; and Jukebox. Great stuff.

This is incredibly cool stuff; I'd never heard of Stephen Coates before. Also, today is Bob Dylan's birthday, so have some Subterranean Homesick Blues:

Oh, and we love Momofuku, by the way. Listened to it on the way to and from the optometrist. (Far-vision has improved, near-vision needs a slight upward adjustment, and the blotchiness on my current lenses is from the anti-reflective coating flaking off, so a word of advice to you other four-eyes out there, do not get glasses with AR coating!)