Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Four interviews this week, so I'm hopeful that April will be my last month of unemployment for awhile. One never can tell, and I remain optimistic! My newest ComicMix column is up; for whatever reason I decided to write about sports. Maybe because this shoulder thing feels like a weird sports injury. Glad I'm going to the doctor tomorrow! In the meantime, I'm going to refrain from playing human Breakout (via Mike at Left is Right). By the way, if you get all the way through a game you find out it's a Nokia viral ad, but it's still worth watching the "making of" portion of the site. The stop-motion video also includes the world's largest version of Snake, which I guess is a mobile phone game. No, it's not Grand Theft Auto Whatever; the women involved in this live. Just this once, everybody lives!