Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Silly Site o' the Day

Robin and I may have picked up something during our pre-snowstorm shopping and dinner out on Friday. We both have this weird tickle at the back of our throats that doesn't seem to clear even when we cough. It's not a total relapse into our flu-laden days, but as it's worse when we're horizontal it's played havoc with our sleep cycles -- well, that and staying up for the Oscars last night to see a Frenchwoman, an Irishman, a Brit and a Spaniard pick up all the major acting. But hey, when you're self-employed (Rob) and temporarily unemployed (me) you don't need to worry that much about normal cycles. Except that Robin has a pretty hefty workload, which not only makes me feel lazy but guilty. Ah well, at least I did a ton of online job-search stuff on Saturday and today it paid off with two phone calls for interviews, both set for Wednesday. When it's supposed to be cold with flurries *sigh*... At least it'll be seasonable tomorrow so I can get my food shopping done and pick up my interview suits from the dry cleaners. My goodness, what an exciting life I lead! Mini-blogaround tomorrow, maybe. Keeping spam out of my life, today! Speaking of which, have you heard of the Spam Poetry Institute? You knew there had to be one.