Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

The off-site IT guy is back on-site, preparing to take down and replace the hard drives, so I'm not sure how much time I have (he's starting with the networked drives and moving to the internet system later). Been a weird day; got a "thanks anyway" rejection from the place I really liked where I interviewed week before last, alas, but a promising phone call from someone else. AC service people aren't coming in until Monday, so my office environment is stiflingly uncomfortable. Went out to make deposits at lunchtime on behalf of a coworker who's now on a 3-week vaca, and while I can walk fine with the walking stick I still can't put my whole weight on my left leg for some reason not even the PT folks can figure out. They're recommending another trip to the orthopedist, for which I need a referral from my primary, whom I've been trying to avoid but may now have no choice. In other words, things are still status quo. Haven't even had time for any games, but that doesn't mean I can't pass them on to you. Here's a Sudoku generator, via Gerard.