Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

I was going to do some ComicMix blogging today, but after reading a comics professional -- whose art I really like, no less -- take my last column (wherein I explain more art-vocabulary terms) so out of context in his head that it morphed into some sort of weird man-hating, art-hating diatribe, I decided being away from keyboard was the better part of valor. And I think I made the right decision; I got a lot done today like inventorying some kitchen and larder supplies, replacing a windshield wiper, taking care of a couple local errands in the rain, and spending more time with my favorite artist. And now it's after 10 PM and I feel even less like blogging. So I'm going back into the living room to be with Robin and the cats again and watch Game 3 of the World Series, so there. Here's a Hallowe'en numbers game to amuse you, via Moi at Blogg. I'd be grateful if someone can tell her how it works; I remember having some similar trick explained to me but I didn't retain the explanation.