Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Monday, August 06, 2007

Ze Hot Fleshes

Well, I didn't quite get to the fruit and veg shopping this morning; I wound up going back to sleep at 7:30 and didn't get up again until four hours later, by which time it just seemed too hot to go anywhere. Besides, I'm on vaca and I was busy watching the Yankees game. Which is why I didn't pick up the phone when it rang, and by the time Robin looked at our caller ID said "Hey, it says it's Ruth Westheimer" they'd hung up and not left a message on our answering machine. It might have been Doctor Ruth, it was a Manhattan phone number. If it were, I'll never know why she called. Maybe to discuss my incipient menopause? To reveal that she knew I'd mentioned her name at BEA and launched into one of my bad impressions of her (which I've been doing for years because, well, she's just such an adorable 79-year-old pixie)? Zis vill remain-- a zexual mystery!

Now that the Yanks have won and I'm through with the DCU portion of my comp box (but not yet up to ComicMix posting), a few brief notes:

• It's the anniversary of Charles Fort's birth, as well as that of bloggers N. Todd Pritsky and Steve Bates - HB, guys! It's also a couple of grim anniversaries. Not participating in the PDB blogswarm, as I really feel it's just a drop in the bucket of this administration's mounting atrocities.

• The most interesting thing I found out in this SF Gate article about bloggers like Susie Madrak wanting to form a union is that the National Writers Union wants bloggers to join it. As long as they're willing to take people who don't get paid to blog, this would appear to me to be the best solution; the NWU is pretty strong, and it just doesn't seem a productive idea to keep reinventing the wheel. The trick is to be able to pony up the $120 yearly dues and figure out to which of their three genres you belong ("blogging" isn't a genre, but I'm not a book writer nor a journalist nor a "BizTech" person). Otherwise, this may be another dead end for those bloggers who wouldn't mind protection for the amount of work they put into their hobby, and the audience it garners.

• At the risk of being redundant: this sort of thing is why I love Cheryl's blog. The linked site needs to update its listings, though, as cirrent Doctor Who costar Freema Agyeman is most certainly a black woman.

• PSoTD asks his entire blogroll, "Will Joe Lieberman support the Republican candidate for President in 2008, reasons why or why not, and what's the political value to him?" If I say I don't much care one way or another about ANYthing concerning an election that's still over a year away, will I be considered a traitor to the cause? And the only interesting thing I ever read about Lieberman was that his wife Hadassah lived in my neighborhood. I long ago stopped believing that "good for the Jews" was any sort of criterion on whom to support for political office here, particularly since "the Jews" started morphing into "the more fanatic politicians in Israel" whom I don't consider to be good for the Jews (or most of humanity) at all.

• Dang, Barry's cutting back his blogging. It'll be a good thing in the long run, as it means more Amptoons, but I'll miss his blogging in the meantime...

• Lastly, real food for thought from evil fizz at Feministe about being judgemental toward "baby machine" women, and a good companion piece of sorts from Ann at Feministing about "competitive motherhood." The more the reality that I'll never give birth after wanting children for so long sinks in, the more I feel my attitudes towards these women stem from some sort of misplaced jealousy rather than righteous indignation.

Hmm, maybe that's what Dr. Ruth wanted to talk about...