Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

My weekly column is up at ComicMix. Not the happiest of essays, but I needed to get it off my chest as it were, and I tried to give it an upbeat ending of sorts. I'm certainly feeling like a weight has not only been lifted from my mind (the whole point of mourning being for the wound to eventually heal) but even from my body; as a result of a "misstep" in bed last night (I thought my foot was going on the edge of the bed but the leg slid off and the gluteal muscle cramped) that I initially thought might have worsened the sciatic nerve that's been pinched since two months before Dad died, the opposite seems to have happened. No more pinching, no more leg pain, great mobility and, if I'm not too tired after another day of the Huge-Ass Project, I'm going to try to get on the stationary bike tonight in an effort to build up stamina for walking this weekend's Food Fest. If I'm lucky I won't even need my walking stick! But, one thing at a time. It's not like I'm going for, um (*fiddling with buttons*), Australian Girl Guide Stunt Plan Sailing. Make up your own Extreme Sports Game here, via Gerard.