Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, March 16, 2007

Silly Site o' the Day

The good news is, my boss sent me home at noon when the snow turned to ice, and what turned out to be a scary enough commute probably would have been worse had I lingered even an hour longer. As it was I passed two major spinout accidents on the highways, one on the Cross County (other side) and one on the Thruway interstate (our side, diverting traffic from three lanes into one). The sodium nitrate smell from the flares helped keep me awake through an otherwise very somnambulant commute, and now I'm home and staying put until at least Sunday.

The bad news is that my boss sent me home with work, so I'll be sitting at the computer doing more of That Interminable Project for the next three days, trying (seemingly in vain) to make it more terminable. Which probably means less blogging, both here and on ComicMix, but we'll see how well I multitask and how quickly I get through things.

Given all that and Friday Cat Blogging (to come) too, aren't you glad there's a random kitten generator? I sure am, and so's Gerard.