Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Liberal Coalition Top Ten
Week of 1/21/07 through 1/27/07

Caught up on blog-skimming again, so let's take a look at some Liberal Coalition members' posts, plus a few others that caught my eye from this past week:

• Bora has a new hobby and wants us all to know about the Beagle Project. Sounds very cool! He's also happy that Parliament's not screwing about with Greenwich Time; as someone who's stood on the Greenwich meridian marker in Lewes, I quite concur.

• Bryant helps explain why leaving off the last syllable of "Democratic" is considered a deliberate and calculated insult ("calculated" in part because of how it allows Republicans to mock Democrats as grammatical nitpickers so they get to be insulted twice and can't fight back). Mustang Bobby relates this bitch-slap to his own situation, noting that "Common courtesy dictates that you address a person or an entity by the name they prefer, and if you persist in making the mistake, you come across as a boor." So what else is new with these radical reactionaries?

• Chris Brown takes us through Lefty's Musical Evolution.

• Echidne examines how some women claim other women vote and view politics, how some politicians view women as machines, and how to build a better mousetrap whilst at the same time worrying about orange snow in Siberia.

• Tena finally posts again at First Draft, relating a grim story about an immigration holding facility and some of its non-criminal residents.

• Congratulations on the new job, Guy!

• Please send some embarrassing stories to John so he'll feel better about his confession.

• Jude is also quite enamored of John Edwards, as if you couldn't tell by the photo on her blog.

• Kathy relates yet another reading comprehension problem among reactionary media types, as well as peeking at their myth-accusation machine. Can we doubt by now that some of these folks are being deliberately obtuse?) And NTodd examines some actual continuing mythmaking on the part of our current leaders.

• Ken passes along some welcome news about Billy Joel.

• Michael goes somewhat against the grain in his analysis of the Mooninites in Boston. I still don't get what makes Boston different from the other dozen or so cities that hosted this viral marketing campaign and didn't have a panic reaction.

• Steve G lets loose with some sarky commentary on what Biden said about Obama.

• Trish reports that NYC is getting ready to launch an official city condom. I hope it's not Snapple.

And here are some notables from non-LC members:

• As threatened, yesterday was Atrios' Blogroll Amnesty Day, wherein he wiped his entire blogroll then started re-adding only the blogs he now reads. This will undoubtedly bring down my blog ranking (I've already sunk from Large Mammal to Marauding Marsupial on the TTLB ecosystem chart), which would upset me greatly if such things mattered to me.

• Congratulations to Lindsay for being chosen as the newest group blogger at This Modern World! And congratulations to Oliver on the surprising improvement in his sight.

• Sarah Dyer passes along an interesting idea about moving the start of one's New Year's resolutions to Groundhog Day instead.

• I know what I'm doing in between Superbowl commercials - watching Ricky Gervais interviewing Larry David, Chris Guest and Garry Shandling for Channel 4, and reading Ken Plume's interview with Mike Nelson. Speaking of which, Sheila Lennon reports that Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett have formed a new MTS3K'ish clique called Film Crew Online to comment snarkily on DVDs.

• I was concerned when I heard about the "ruling by decree" thing going on in Venezuela, but Eli provides a lot of information about this that the mainstream media conveniently left out; apparently this power is valid under their constitution, which even the US assistant secretary for hemisphere affairs knows and acknowledges.

• CE Petro analyzes Texas governor Perry's decision to make Gardasil vaccinations against HPV mandatory for schoolgirls. Turns out it's a battle between two evils, with capitalism triumphing over religious fundamentalism. Apparently the pharmaceutical giant "Merck is bankrolling efforts to pass state laws across the country mandating Gardasil" because they stand to make billions from it. "What we have here," concludes Petro, "is a situation of greed vs saving women from a horrible disease. It is this huge price tag, that Merck has placed on Gardasil that is outrageous. This is what people should be screaming about." Jersey Cynic weighs in at Big Brass Blog with her concerns (she mentions Merck's ties to Perry), particularly about a vaccine whose long-term side effects are not yet known.

• The News Writer pens an open letter to Mary Cheney.

• Donna doesn't get why Democrats (and many liberal bloggers) keep demotivating an important voting bloc. Me neither.

• Christopher at After School Snack reports on an economist's proposal to rebase the penny.

• Once again, Ilyka has been on a roll this past week. Read the whole blog if you can, but particularly This is Me, Flecking You with Much Spittle (directed at a conservative blogger), Moment (about the willful ignorance of Ugly Americans) and The Rollback Stops Here (about, among other things, the power of words). She also has a good one up at Pandagon about cronyism.

• Over at the Huffington Post, my more famous namesake (even though I'm pretty sure Elayne Boosler is older than me) has at the "women president" questions with a very pointed world history lesson; Dave Johnson suggests more liberals use "because" and discuss why radical reactionary policies are bad for most people in this country; and Steve Young begins his campaign to recognize every August 8 as a Day of Satire in the blogosphere in honor of the late Molly Ivins.

• Melissa is sputtering over the extreme inability of a conservative blogger to understand the difference between making the world a better place by one's own definition and murdering people in the name of God, to the point where he actually equates the two.

• How many other people thought of Avedon when they saw this post on BoingBoing?

• Lastly, a personal remembrance of Molly Ivins from her friend SivaVaidhyanathan.

Well, Rob's awake now, so time to see about breakfast and posting to That Other Blog (still in its test stage but I need the practice)...