Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

For Those About To Burn Out

Look, nobody's making you blog. Presumably you blog because you enjoy it. Nobody's going to scream and wail if you decide to cut back a little on your online activity, whether it's the week before the election or the week after. It's just blogging, it's not anything important, and it shouldn't be running your life to the point where you're exhausted from it. Calm the eff down. There are millions of other bloggers, many saying pretty much the exact same things you are. You take a few days off, they'll be around to pick up the slack. You come back, your readers will still be there too.

Or is it just that you're afraid to discover you're really not as important and vital to the national discourse as you like to pretend you are?

(And no, this post isn't about Chris, who's decided to go on hiatus for very sensible reasons and will be missed until his return.)