Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Silly Site o' the Day

Still exhausted, and once again falling behind in blog-skimming, let alone writing my deadline-induced essays. Good news and bad news: My insurance company check for the car arrived, but it was made out to me and some bank that has nothing to do with the car, so I have to call the place wherein I'd planned to deposit it and make sure I still can. A very nice happenstance as a Good Samaritan found the envelope I'd dropped during my Friday commute and remailed it to me. Only one more car-less day, if all goes well, but I'm not really looking forward to slogging through post after post bewailing anti-filibuster Democrats and bemoaning the upcoming State of the Union address tonight, which I refuse to watch. This is one major reason why I'm not a political one-noter on this blog. Sure, it would make it easier to categorize me and I might get more Koufax votes and so on, but I'd even bore myself to tears. And to top it off, Dave Johnson from Seeing the Forest insists this State of the Union preview is funny, but I can't get it to load...