Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Treats

Robin was missing the old-fashioned English atmosphere of Christmas goodies he'd had growing up, so this year with his steady income we decided to splurge a bit on what I call "food porn." Mind you, with my recent hospital experience I'm not about to partake of it all, but we just wanted to have it around for the holidays. And with all of the extraneous boxes and other studio stuff out of the living room at last, we could set the "table" (Rob's old desk that we'll finally get hauled off in the new year) for one last hurrah.

Here's the entire spread, minus the banana-tree fruit bowl we keep in the kitchen which has (duh) bananas, lemons and limes as I didn't think that was very Christmas-y.

Robin was so excited to find a Christmas cake! I have no idea what a Christmas cake is, he says it's not the same thing as the Christmas pudding next to it, and there's no American equivalent, so I suspect I'm in for an interesting experience. We also have the requisite mince pies, ginger cookies and, in the background, oranges. It's not Christmas for Robin without the smell of oranges and coffee, although I draw the line at cigars.

Someday I'll learn to take a picture without my robe's sleeve getting in the way. We have lots of dried fruit and nuts as well as various "breads" which are actually more like cakes...

And grapefruit as well (although I'm not at all sure the avocados are seasonal) and candy and Cadbury roses... I think we're fairly well set through the new year!