Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, May 07, 2005

She Draws Comics - A Pictorial

As you know, last night we went out to dinner with Cat, "Dex" and his lovely wife, after which we attended the opening night of the She Drew Comics! exhibit put on by Friends of Lulu's New York chapter (full disclosure: I am a past president of FoL-NY) at the Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. Here are some pictures I took. First a couple of photos from the East Village:

Do you believe this monstrosity going up across from Cooper Union? I'm almost as upset by the incongruity of its futuristic glassiness surrounding the quaint neighborhood as I am by the utter disappearance of the famous Alamo cube.

Apparently, there is a universal symbol for "overpriced cell phone store here."

The presiding officers - Marc Wilkofsky, who currently runs FoL/NY, and Lawrence Klein, the head honcho of MoCCA.

Trina Robbins introduces the She Drew Comics! exhibit, which runs through next Saturday, May 14, if anyone wants to catch it during the week.

The incomparable Hilda Terry, still teaching at 86 or so, and with a new book out!

This is one of my favorite shots - Kyle Baker explaining the exhibit to his daughter.

Cat was thrilled to meet Sabrina Jones and find out about her work with the Real Cost of Prisons project, as he does a lot of anti-drug-war work with Pot TV and other organizations. Sabrina's comic is also available in its entirety as a PDF.

A fairly fuzzy picture of Dave Roman, who's looking fairly fuzzy himself.

Charlie Boatner (seated) talking with our "neighbor" Alex Simmons.

Another kinda fuzzy one (I blame the diorama in the background) of Abby Denson, flanked by Adam DeKraker, utterly adorable in his Beatle cut, and Mike Brisbois, another past president of FoL/NY. Not pictured is yet another former FoL-NY president, Heidi MacDonald (that made four of us present!).

Didn't take any pictures today, aside from a total cutie on the bus on the way to Midtown Comics for Free Comic Book Day, but these should tide y'all over for awhile.