Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Silly Site o' the Day

White Rabbits! G'wan, poke the bunny, you know you want to. Via Hanan Levin, queen of silly site referrals.
[Yes, I had to break up a vacation week and come in to work today, which meant getting up at 6:30 and out the door by 7 to get the buses in time to arrive by 9 because no way in hell was I going to drive in the gusting wind and torrential rain. Within an hour of my arrival I was bothered by building maintenance stuff at least three times, which isn't supposed to happen now that we have a porter. The only good thing about being here today is that they're having pizza in honor of my birthday (I turn 47 tomorrow) so at least I don't have to pay for lunch.]