Bumper Sticker Hell
I've really started to get annoyed lately by all those mass-produced fish-shaped yellow ribbons on the backs of cars, and Astarte hits the nail on the head as to why. To me it's part and parcel with the "God Bless America" crap mentioned below. If you feel this intense need to display your faith to any and all disinterested strangers, it's more like you're trying to convince yourself of your piety or devotion. (I find it interesting that many of the yellow ribbons I've seen say "God Bless The Troops" rather than "Support The Troops," and a good many of the yellow-beribboned vehicles also have red-white-&-blue "God Bless America" ribbons.) Some of us are much more secure in our faithhood, thank you very much.
I've really started to get annoyed lately by all those mass-produced fish-shaped yellow ribbons on the backs of cars, and Astarte hits the nail on the head as to why. To me it's part and parcel with the "God Bless America" crap mentioned below. If you feel this intense need to display your faith to any and all disinterested strangers, it's more like you're trying to convince yourself of your piety or devotion. (I find it interesting that many of the yellow ribbons I've seen say "God Bless The Troops" rather than "Support The Troops," and a good many of the yellow-beribboned vehicles also have red-white-&-blue "God Bless America" ribbons.) Some of us are much more secure in our faithhood, thank you very much.
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