Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Friday, February 13, 2004

Friday Cat Blogging (? Kevin Drum)

Thank goodness the snow outside is almost all melted, but I think Datsa and Amy (who, being indoor cats, haven't had to go out in it) miss it just a bit:

We've changed their feeding schedule, so that I give Datsa his medicine right before leaving the apartment in the morning (about 7:30 or so) and right after getting home (anywhere between 6:30 and 7:30 PM depending on whether it's a "boss day"), in the hopes that being fed every 12 hours or so (the medicine is given 30 minutes before feeding time) will change his habit of waking us up earlier and earlier... with new upstairs neighbors probably imminent, our sleep cycles are bound to be disrupted enough without a starving cat adding to the disruption...