Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 15, 2003

Change of Plans

Still haven't caught up with my blogroll, too wiped from yesterday and spent much of today following up on all that work anyway. Tomorrow for sure! Meanwhile, Robin's not coming to the Food Fest with me this weekend, it's not really his thing, so if there are any NYC-area bloggers into this sort of thing, please e-mail me right away so we can make plans. Nobody should have to eat a shark kebob alone. And our out-of-town friend balked a bit at the admission price here (can't say as I blame him), so we're meeting him here instead on Monday, which suits him just fine 'cause he's a fan. Also meanwhile, Christian from upstairs continues to be, appropriately, a blessing, and we rode the bus together from the subway to the bottom of the hill this evening chatting about our building, his family (his son loved the comics and, boy howdy, will we be giving him some more!) and so forth. As Robin came to meet me, the three of us were joined briefly by a local dog-walker who admired my Firesign 25th anniversary tour jacket (one of only six in existence, so I was told at the time by the tour promoter, who had one made for himself as well), so that'll be something to tell the guys at chat tonight... Oh, and might as well throw in a brief comic recommendation; everyone go out and buy Scooter Girl, it's great fun!