Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Of Groundhogs and Grammies

I had to nap periodically during the day, as I got up early to watch the silliness that is Groundhog Day in Why Are We Even Here PA, and stayed up late to watch as much as I could of the silliness that is the Grammy Awards. Trust me, the latter was far better than the former. Lots of amazing music, enough to make this Boomer really excited about the current state of things and even contemplating purchasing some of the tunes. The silliness was mostly sartorial in nature - I mean, Will Smith's son wore a miniature house on his head (a miniature horse would have been better methinks), and every other woman wore a "cutout" outfit, meaning clothing featuring barely any cloth, but it's the Grammies so it's probably expected. And again, I'm a Boomer so you know, probably a prude. Trevor Noah has been a bit too ingratiating and insincere as usual, but inoffensive enough. All in all a very good showing.