Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Well, so much for my plans to Go Places this week. I had hoped to get to the NY Botanical Gardens this morning for their Juneteenth celebration, and take in a Yankees game on Tuesday night with work colleagues because we have the holiday off on Wednesday and I could just leave my laptop at the office. Instead I went for a follow-up visit to my podiatrist, discovered my toe infection can't drain because the nail was cracking (this is the one affected most by the fungus, for which I'm still taking meds) and blocking things, and that said nail would have to come off. The procedure wasn't that big a deal except for the needles to numb the area (the bottom of the toe is all bruised now), the bleeding stopped around mid-afternoon, and I have to soak it twice daily and apply creams and take another week's worth of antibiotics and see him again Wednesday morning. So now I will have nine toenails for the foreseeable future, and maybe, just maybe, that infection will finally clear. Maybe someday I'll visit some cool mazes using Labyrinth Locator (via BoingBoing), but this is not that day.