Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Saturday, June 01, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

White Rabbits! The car is good to go to NJ on Monday to see Mom; no issues at all with the power steering belt assembly in our travels today. In my quest to turn around my glucose numbers I've been jonesing for veggies, so we went to the local gourmet store before our regular supermarket so I could stock up. The fridge is full to bursting, and that's not even including any pointless packaging! Even got keto bagels again so I can brown-bag breakfast in Manhattan this week and not be tempted to stop by the halal truck on my way into the office. I just hope I have enough energy when I get home to chop some veg for dinner and go on the bike again (the 90-minute commute each way does cut into my day). Yesterday I managed 10 minutes, today 15, so I'm moving in the right direction again. As Robin points out, we've done this before, we can do it again. Give or take Monday's 200-mile drive, of course!