Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

Today was one of those days I was glad to be in the office, not just because it allowed me to mail out a couple checks (I don't trust the mailboxes in these parts, they've been subject to a few shenanigans). I'd already planned to notarize one colleague's signature, and a couple hours later another stopped by my desk (which is an admin desk) to ask if I knew any admins who were notaries. I smiled and said "Let me retrieve my stamp and seal from my file cabinet" and that was that! I met with at least six of my partners, handled a print job for one (shepherded and retrieved it from production, another in-person job I couldn't really have done remotely), and got almost all my expense entry done save for one partner, who was reminded of what he owed me as he exited for the day. I too got out of Manhattan before The Big Verdict came down, so I was home and relaxing by 6 PM sans sneakers, as the toe had been acting up again. I checked after showering and it does look like it's healing, but of course when you're a diabetic everything takes just a little bit longer. Going to see my endrocrinologist tomorrow and work out a game plan to once again lower my A1C. Now that the foot is better I'm going back on the bike, which should help, especially once I cut my Manhattan days down to 2x/week. Let's revisit some classical sarcasm, shall we?