Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Silly Site o' the Day

On the one hand, I really needed the comfy winter jacket whilst walking to the bus. On the other hand, once I'm onboard it's a bit too cumbersome, and contributed to me losing an earbud this morning. I looked everywhere but it's completely gone, I'm afraid. Thanks to the union-busting megalith that is Bezos' Emporium, new ones were waiting for me when I got home, but I could have had a couple sushi dinners with what they cost, which makes me sad. What makes me happy is that Robin's already paired them with my phone and they're charging as we speak, all ready for me to NOT lose tomorrow morning. I hope this is the last tough week at the office, I could use some temps in the 40s so I can go back to wearing my tan jacket and jaunty matching hat which has seen more adventures than me and somehow still manages to return. For now I must comfort myself with a zoetrope:

Via BoingBoing.