Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

The busy week with its unexpected twists and turns continues. Very glad I went into the Manhattan office, not only because the weather was decent and I had a nice lunch with a colleague, but because five of the partners I support were in (my main reason for schlepping in on Tuesdays, which tend to be when most of them show) and I got some good catch-up meetings in. And of course there's the food; I'm rarely hungry in terms of grazing whenever I'm there, and one of the departments ordered pizza and popcorn and pretzels, oh my, so that made my afternoon easier, particularly because screaming bell peppers were nowhere to be seen. But the commute wiped me out, and I have a lot to do tomorrow before taking off Thursday and Friday afternoon. I'm not looking forward to the pressure.