Elayne Riggs' Journal (for Leah)

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Silly Site o' the Day

My insides settled down enough for me to cook all three meals today, given the bounty I brought back from two supermarkets yesterday. I made a pastromelet for breakfast (and Robin got a regular omelet with cheddar), heated up a variety of veg and seafood pancakes for lunch (next time I buy different ones, I find I'm not enamored of H Mart's kimchi pancakes and the all-seafood ones are hard to eat), and of course the piece de resistance was a lovely stir fry for dinner featuring black oyster mushrooms and shiitakes, as well as mandolined carrots and cukes and diakon, various aromatics, and crusted tofu. I was smart about the prep-to-enjoyment ratio by doing all the mandolin and chopping work a couple hours before dinner so I wasn't exhausted when the time came to put everything together. The two NY baseball games gave me plenty of time, given that the Mets pulled off a win in the ninth inning and the Yankees, shut out for 10 innings, actually won in the 14th after tying the game like three times. I've now biked and showered and am about as ready as I can be for work stuff tomorrow. Not sure if any of these book titles apply to my current mood... maybe the third one...